What’s Your Message? re-frames public speaking from the old focus on rules and performance techniques – to a more practical approach built on:
- Message transfer 🔴⇨⇨🔴
- Natural style
What’s Your Message? has been a bestseller in paperback, audiobook and kindle formats.
See the bottom of this page for links to buy in your country .
My favourite book review is from marketing legend Al Ries, whose classic 1985 book ‘Positioning – the battle for your mind’ set me on the path of prioritizing message recall over performance techniques.
“It’s refreshing to read a public speaking book that focuses on the message rather than the techniques. Every speaker-to-be should read ‘What’s Your Message?’ before getting in front of an audience.”
Al Ries – Author, ‘Positioning’
Below is the kindle preview from Amazon USA:

Karl Sun
CEO, Lucidchart
“It’s true. Cam shows us how to have greater impact when we speak, while dissolving anxiety and reducing the effort.”

Janine Allis
Founder, Boost Juice
“Great book.
Thank you for the fresh approach Cam.”

Jules Lund
CEO, Tribe Group
“Cam is the Magic Man!
He has an amazing ability to distill complex ideas into simple, practical steps.”
Where to buy What’s Your Message?
The Korean translation is awesome
The Korean publisher translated the ‘What’s Your Message?’ title to The Law of the Message!
I love it 😊