#8 Is Trump a messaging genius?
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Cam claims that Donald Trump is a messaging genius, while radio legend Viking Jeff wonders whether he’s just a dangerous clown.
Cam makes no judgement as to whether Trump is a force for good or bad, he provides an objective analysis of the communication tools Trump uses.
This episode deconstructs the messaging strategy that helped Trump win the 2016 Presidential election, and how his tweets have changed the balance of power in the media.
Top messages in this episode:
- “Donald Trump is a messaging genius.”
- “This is not an accident, this is not a clown, this is a marketer.”
- “Stronger together.”
- “I’m with her.”
- “The weakest political message of all time!”
- “Trump’s messaging was all about the benefits to the voters.”
- “Trump is dangerous, he doesn’t have the right temperament to be President.”
- “I’ll build a wall!”
- “I’ll bring jobs back to America.”
- “Make America great again.”
- “Drain the swamp.”
- “When you speak in messages you know when to shut up.”
- “Be first in the mind with your message.”
- “If general messaging is weak, the first person that comes in with a strong idea has greater impact, and Trump is very good at that.”
- “Oh my god we’ve elected Hitler.”
- “Obama set a course of certain calmness though and obviously he is one of the world’s great public speakers.”
- “I think Trump’s playing a negotiation game that is ahead of a lot of us.”
- “Maybe these polls don’t matter that much.”
- “Trump tells his supporters that is he’s playing them and they don’t care.”
- “If you can’t restate the best argument of the opposing view you won’t be a good persuader.”
- “The media likes to chase rabbits, so Donald Trump gives them rabbits to chase. If he didn’t give them rabbits to chase they would make up rabbits.”
- “He picked his run at just the right time for him to be the anti-establishment candidate.”
- “Twitter: He’s been able to bypass this middleman of the media – this is a massive, fundamental unbelievable change that he has taken advantage of.”
- “He ends his tweets with a word or a couple of words that tell you how to think about it.”
- “If you’re a parent and you don’t understand messaging you’ll be less effective as a parent.”
Show Notes:
01:44 The claim! Is Trump a message master or just a big fat old buffoon?
02:41 Trump’s messages that won the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
07:53 “Mexico pays for the wall” is an old sales technique called ‘Thinking Past the Sale’.
09:17 Does the kickback diminish his messages?
10:13 Trump gets ‘first in the mind’ with a message.
11:56 If you listen carefully, Trump hints at the techniques he’s using.
12:38 His actions are clearer when you realize Trump is a negotiator.
15:43 Trump does things in an unconventional manner but gets stuff done.
16:31 Where does Trump sit in the minds of the Americans?
18:53 Obama is a better role model, he set a course of calmness.
20:09 How did Donald get in? According to polls he’s not very likable.
22:02 Trump admits to his supporters he’s using marketing techniques.
25:15 Donald Trump’s secret to public speaking is to go ‘off script’.
25:57 Trump’s timing was right to be seen as the political outsider.
27:18 Trump’s tweets are giving the media ‘rabbits to chase’.
30:11 Summary: What techniques can we learn from Donald Trump?