#4 Annie Stanton- Competing for attention with Hollywood legends
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Cam speaks to Annie Stanton, Executive Director at the Tisch School of the Arts, New York University.
While sitting in Madison Square park in New York City, Annie talks about her traumatic first experience in public speaking – and how she now measures up to hollywood actors and directors on stage.
A refreshing and honest conversation about communication skills, meditation and persuasion.
Top Messages in this episode:
- “Some public speaking anxiety comes from feeling separated from the group.”
- “If I feel confident in the subject matter nerves dissolve.”
- “Studying helped me see that every culture has storytelling traditions.”
- “Transcendental Meditation brought positive effects across my life, including public speaking.”
- “Your natural style is fine – you don’t have to be a performer.”
- “Meditation stills the mind so you can think clearly about everything.”
- “I see a different personality as a public speaker from a director and an actor.”
- “Any approach can work if you think clearly, get comfortable on stage and get your message across.”
- “The idea of chunking information opened up a whole new world for me.”
- “I’ve found people like personal stories that help them understand the point.”
- “The chunk structure doesn’t just sort your thoughts, it’s a roadmap through your speech.”
- “Cold brew coffee replaces heat with time.”
- “Movie dialogue doesn’t use real-world language, it’s built around messages.”
- “What’s your what if? Every movie has a what if?“
- “There’s lots of information in the world – your ability to craft short messages makes you more effective.”
- “Cuba will change your art.”
Show Notes:
01:48 Annie talks about her first experience with public speaking and how that affected her in the future.
03:54 Annie answers how she overcame her anxiety.
05:29 Annie shares why studying abroad will help broaden your experience.
08:38 Cam ask’s Annie how meditation helped with public speaking.
10:28 Annie on having to speak to a crowd of performers and director.
11:29 Dealing with the pressure of matching professional performers.
13:43 Annie talks about how different industry roles show different personalities on stage.
14:50 Annie recalls an example of memorising a presentation gone wrong remember talking about a presentation.
17:12 Cam talks about how messaging helps you to be more effective in any area of life.
19:10 Annie answers if she has noticed if ‘one message has been stronger’ when used within her program.
21:22 Cam gives an example of one of Annie’s great use of messaging.